Legal info

The use of the web site involves for the user the knowledge of the following conditions.
The documentation, images, characteristic, artistic work, graphic, music, the software, and other items of the site and all codes, and scripts format for improving the site, are property of the Zeropack S.p.A.. The material contained in the web site is protected by copyright. If not expressly provided, it is not allowed to copy, modify, load, unload, trasmit, re-pubblish, make display for the distribution to third persons for commercial aims, without written agreement to be required to Zeropack S.p.A.. It is not allowed use the content or the marks of the site for any other aim and goal if not expressly mentioned. No responsibility is undertook in relation or to the content of what published in this site and the use of the third party could do, either any interferences derived from the access from the interconnection, from the down load of computer material and programs from this site. Therefore Zeropack will not be responsable at any title in order of damages, losts, prejudices and any kind that third person could have due to the content of this site, or after the use of what published in it as well as the used software.
Zeropack S.p.A. info@zeropack.itP.I. 03660651203